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Showing posts from August, 2014

NVL,NVL2,DECODE,COALESCE functions in Oracle

All the functions mentioned in the above title are mainly used in evaluation of data whether it is null or not. . Lets see in details how these functions work and what are the differences between them NVL Syntax:  NVL ( expr1 , expr2 ) If the expr1 is null then expr2 value is returned, if expr1 value is not null then expr1 value is returned. NVL2 Syntax: NVL2(expr1,expr2,expr3) if the expr1 is null then expr3 value is returned, if expr1 value is not null then expr2 value is returned. COALESCE Syntax: COALESCE(expr1,expr2,expr3...) it returns first non null expression value in the list. DECODE Decode is enhanced version of case statement let me explain you with a sample query select initcap(substr(pub_name,1,20)) publisher_name, decode(book_type,'computer',1,0) media from publisher  Here decode statement works like if the column book_type has computer value then it is returned as 1 else 0  Similar to case statement case when book_type...