One of the primary reasons why TERADATA is considered such a valuable product in market because of the utilities that are provided by teradata database. They are five teradata utilities available They are a)BTEQ b)FAST EXPORT c)MLOAD d)FLOAD e)TPUMP Let me give an overview about these utilities a)BTEQ - It stands for basic teradata query. In BTEQ we can perform various DDL and DML operations i.e. create,insert,merger,update,delete. It can be run in two modea i.e. interactive and batch mode. In here we can use BT & ET functions these represent begin transaction and end transaction respectively. We can write multiple sql statement with in these two and commit action will be performed upon successful execution of all statements If any of the sql statements fails then the data will be roll-backed. b)FAST EXPORT - FastExport ,the name itself is spells to exports data from Teradata to a Flat file. But BTEQ also does the same thing.The main difference i...